Chinese Mountain Club of New York

tclogo02 Member Club of New York - New Jersey Trail Conference

How to sign on CMCNY Activity?

- Via e-mail: Members or non-members to email trip leaders by clicking on the names of either of trip leaders of a specific activity.

- Via phone: (note: this option is available to members ONLY).  Members can call leader’s phone number(s) published in the Newsletter. Please call leader before 10pm unless it is noted otherwise, thank you for your consideration.

When register, please provide the following information:
1. Date and description of activity.
2. Your full name and contact info (phone number and e-mail address).
3. Number of people (including yourself) who’d like to join the trip.
4. Your current membership status.
5. Will you be driving and if your vehicle is available to carpool with other people?
6. If you not driver, do you need carpool arrangement?

Our day hikes are rated from Level A to Level F. Level A being the earliest;  Lever D and above are for experience hikers only. Please contact leader if you are uncertain about what level of hiking activity should you participate. Click here to see CMCNY Hiking Rating System.

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    Copyright CMCNY © 1997-2025, Send comments & questions to