Bikes on Subway

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Avoid Rush Hours:Bikes can be dangerous when they get in the way of a number of people. Avoid rush hour crowds. use lines with larger subway cars.

Carry your Bike on Stairs:
Wait until the staircase is not crowded. Carry your bike. Don't bump it down the stairs; you could lose control.

Use Service Gate:Do not try to lift your bike over the turnstile. Signal the Token Clerk to release the service gate. Deposit a token or use a MetroCard & roll the turnstile. Pull the service gate to enter.

Stand by your Bike: Move your bike to allow others to pass or sit down. Make sure all items on the bike are secured. If there is a train or station evacuation, you must leave your bike behind to ensure a swift and safe exit for all passengers.

Courtesy + Common Sense = Bicycle Safety:Consideration of others along with reasonable judgement help produce a safer, more comfortable environment for bikes.

For complete New York City cyclist Guide, please visit the official website at

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